l’undicesimo Annual Ifera World Family Business Research Conference, la conferenza internazionale degli accademici del mondo della gestione delle imprese familiari che si è tenuto nel 2011 a Palermo dal titolo Intelligence and Courage – Family Firms’ Vision in the Era of Economic Turmoil.
Il logo raffigura l’Aquila emblema della città di Palermo e simbolo di Intelligenza e Coraggio, due doti fondamentali per lo sviluppo delle Imprese Familiari rappresentava proprio il tema del congresso.
Il Prof. Salvo Tomaselli, membro dell’associazione internazionale, è il presidente del comitato organizzatore.
LVTHNS srl è la società che ha curato il brand durante le fasi di candidatura della manifestazione e la comunicazione dell’organizzazione dell’evento,
L’Università di Palermo ha ospitato, nel periodo dal 28 giugno al 1° luglio 2011, la 11th Annual World Family Business Research Conference, organizzata da IFERA (International Family Enterprise Research Academy), con il titolo Intelligence and Courage – Family Firms’ Vision in the Era of Economic Turmoil, del quale avrò l’onore e l’onere di essere il chair.
IFERA 2011 RESEARCH PROGRAMME (last update: 13 June 2011)
Day 2: 29th of June – Main Conference
8:00-8:30 Registration Università di Palermo Viale delle Scienze (Parco D’Orleans), Facoltà di Economia (Building 13) Aula Magna V.zo Li Donni
8:30-9.00 Opening: Dr. Panikkos Poutziouris, President of IFERA
Aula Magna Welcome & Agenda: Prof. Salvatore Tomaselli, Università di Palermo, Conference Chair; Prof. Daniela Montemerlo, Università dell’ Insubria and SDA Bocconi School of Management, Research program Director
Address: Prof. Roberto Lagalla, Rector, Università di Palermo
9:00-10:00 Aula Magna Keynote: Prof. Sharon Danes, University of Minnesota
Family Constructs in Family Business Research: Present and Future
10:00-11:30 I Parallel Session Track 1, Full papers I Parallel Session Track 2, Full papers I Parallel Session Track 3, Full papers I Parallel Session Track 4, Full papers I Parallel Session Track 5, Full papers I Parallel Session Track 6, Full papers Università di Palermo Viale delle Scienze (Parco D’Orleans), Complesso Polididattico. Building 19. (First Floor)
Room 9 Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room Seminar B Room Seminar C
Familiness Family relations Governance Strategies Leadership Image and communication
Chair: Joseph Astrachan Chair: Marta Berent-Braun Chair: Peter Jaskievicz Chair: Pietro Mazzola Chair: Leif Melin Chair: Gianluca Colombo
Campopiano, Cassia, De Massis, Kotlar: Influence of Family Involvement in Ownership and Management on SMEs Performance: Theoreti-cal Underpinnings and Empirical Evidence Frank, Kessler, Nosé, Suchy: Conflicts in family firms. State of the art and perspectives for future research Cullen, Calitz, Offerman: The role of governance in a current S.A. family business Block, Miller, Jaskiewicz, Spiegel: Innovation in large family and founder firms: entrepreneurial versus nurturer identities of owners Minichilli, Berrone: CEOs co-leadership influence on performance in family firms: understanding intra- and inter- team agency relations Binz, Smit: So you’re a family firm – who cares?!? Exploring the concept of family firm reputation
Dessì, Floris: An exploratory framework for extending the familiness of family firms “Hadjielias, Hamilton, Howorth: Psychological safety and cooperation in informal groups: evidence from family management groups in Cyprus
” Guidice, Mero, Pieper, Greene: Perceptions of accountability in family business: using Schlenker’s accountability pyramid to understand differences between family and non-family executives Cucculelli, Marchionne: Market opportunities and owner identity. Are family firms different? Moores, Barrett: Paradoxes and pathways to learning family business leadership Botero, Thomas, Graves, Fediuk: Family businesses communication: an exploration of family business websites in three countries
Presas, Muñoz, Guia: Consumers’ perception of familiness Labaki, Michael-Tsabari, Zachary: Exploring the emotional nexus in cogent family business archetypes Zheng, Ho: Contrasting the evolution of corporate governance: a Hong Kong and Shanghai banking corporation vis-à-vis Bank of East Asia Limited analysis Naldi, Cennamo, Corbetta: Family vs. non-family CEO and firm performance: moderating effects of firm size, stock exchange affiliation and location Venter, Farrington, Matser, van Helvert-Beugels: Selected relational – based factors that impact on the successful functioning of copreneurial business: a comparison between the Netherlands and South Africa Zellweger, Kellermanns, Eddleston, Memili: Differentiation through family firm image.