The Adorable, Illegal, PlayMobil Bible

The first awesome thing about the German website that hosts photos of Playmobil figures acting out Biblical scenes — okay, well,that’s the first awesome thing.

The second awesome thing is that it’s called the Klicky-Bibel. Can you think of a catchier Bible name than Klicky-Bibel? Don’t you want to say it in a German accent with me right now? Der Klicky-Bibel! Das Klicky-Bibel! Die Klicky-Bibel!

The Klicky-Bibel is essentially the Playmobil knock-off of the Lego-based Brick Testament. But there are a couple of key differences. For one, the Playmobil site was created by an actual pastor as an evangelizing tool, whereas the creator of the Brick Testament is an atheist.